Sunday, March 18, 2012

January/February Update

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

Summer flew by so quickly that January came and went before I even had a chance to send out an update. :-) Please allow me to try and “recap” all of the blessings and lessons that the Lord has brought my way during the last two months.

December 29-January 12 – My parents came to visit! The Lord allowed me to host my parents for two weeks which we packed to the brim with activity and ministry. They were able to get to know many missionaries and see ministries such as Fetzer, Peruvian churches, children’s homes, and the Christian radio station. My dad had the opportunity to preach at two churches as well as speak for our church youth group and children’s club. Mom was also able to teach my Sunday school class. I enjoyed being the “translator” and “tour guide” for the trip. :-) We managed to squeeze in many tourist activities and see the sights around Lima as well. What a privilege to be able to show my parents this place and people that I have come to dearly love. I know that they and I were greatly blessed by the time spent together in fun and ministry. Thank you to all of you who helped to make the trip possible!

January 16-20 – Origins Medical Campaign. The following week I had the opportunity to help out as a translator for a medical/evangelistic campaign held in four different churches/ministries throughout Lima. A church group of 37 people from the States came and partnered with a Peruvian church in presenting an outreach ministry in various churches. People could come and receive free treatment by podiatrists (foot doctors), dentists, and a pediatrician/general practice doctor, as well as receive medicine, haircuts, and free Christian literature. There were fingernail painting, balloon animals, face painting, and Bible clubs for the children as well. Each person who came for medical care also listened to a clear presentation of the gospel. Throughout the week many people made decisions to place their faith in Christ. I enjoyed translating for the foot doctors throughout the week. Beyond learning some valuable things about foot care and broadening my Spanish vocabulary, I enjoyed talking with many people and praying that the seeds planted in their lives would take root. One of the greatest blessings of the week was seeing and working with a Peruvian church with a vision and passion for carrying out the Great Commission and ministering to people both physically and spiritually.

January 28-29 - Church Anniversary. We celebrated the 14th anniversary of Iglesia Bautista El Manantial on this very special weekend. Saturday evening we held a dinner and a service full of games, songs, and a message from God’s Word. On Sunday evening we invited two sister churches to join us for the celebration. Our auditorium was completely packed as we worshipped and celebrated the Lord’s goodness. It was a fun evening of fellowship with friends and brothers and sisters in Christ.

January 30-February 20 – Trip to Cusco and Urubamba! One of the special and unexpected blessings of the summer was the visit of a friend, a former Fetzer teacher and one of the original “Fetzer Five” of last year. While she was visiting, the “Fetzer Five” took a trip to Cusco as well as the small city of Urubamba. We enjoyed visiting a Bible college and spent much time sight-seeing and simply taking in the breathtaking beauty of God’s creation. The Andes Mountains are unequaled, in my opinion. :-) The Lord was so good to allow us to take the trip and enjoy the sweet companionship of friends.

February 6-11- BMM Missionary Camp! This year at missionary camp the Lord brought some unexpected changes and trials. However, through each circumstance He showed His perfect faithfulness once again. The Fetzer teachers were in charge of VBS again each morning at camp. We decked out the dining hall with racing decorations for our theme of “Rev it Up: Full Throttle for God”. The kids enjoyed the competition, songs, crafts, Bible lessons and of course, the swimming! On the second day of camp I became very ill, which changed much of what I was able to do the rest of the week. The Lord was very good and reminded me that I am not indispensable :-) and that I must rely on Him and depend on His strength and not my own for the work He gives me to do. I’m thankful for that lesson. The hardest moments of the week came when one of our missionary mothers lost her baby at 6 ½ months into the pregnancy. Our BMM family was an amazing example of encouragement as they rallied around the grieving family and helped them take care of their other children and work out all the details. Thursday afternoon we held a memorial service for the baby. Though it was a difficult and sad time, it was a great comfort to be reminded of the incredible hope we have through Jesus. Please keep the Rojas family in your prayers.

Please be in prayer as we begin our second semester at Fetzer on Wednesday, February 22. Pray that the last preparations will come together and that students and teachers will be excited to begin the work again. I am excited to get back in the classroom and invest in my students’ lives. Thank you for taking the time to read about what the Lord has done this summer. I am so grateful for all your faithful prayers. God bless each of you as you serve Him where He has placed you.

Serving the Savior,

Heidi Robbins


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